diumenge, 8 de juny del 2008

Oral Presentations Opininons

Elisenda and Laia Saló: they talked about abandoned pets. Nowadays there are some associations that help them them. // Have you ever abandoned a pet?// Good

Marina Sarquella: She talked about natural disasters. Avalanches mudflow, vulcanic eruptions, floods, limnic eruption, tsunamis, blizzards, drougths and fires. // Very good.

Neus and Marina J: They talked about diseases: cancer, AIDS, bulimia, anorexia. And also they showed us an anorexia effects to our body. // Do you know somebody who suffer bulimia? // Well explained.

Adrià C and Alejandro: They talked about the waste. There is rubbish in the streets. // Really good.

Carles and Claudia: they talked about drugs. They started with a dialogue. It started in 60s. Drugs are really expansive. // Have you ever bought drugs? // Really interesting.

Baldiri: He talked about hooliganism. The ethimology is from Patrick Hooligan. He talked about football hooliganism. It is very current in Europe and Latin America. // Good

Anna and Miriam: they talked about poverty and patronage. 20% of the population controls 83% of resources. // Good

Oriol: he talked about water. The people waste a lot of water // Do you think that this situation can change? // Really interesting-

Chainez: she talked about poverty. // Really Good